Federal government mandates reversing technology on all vehicles
The Federal Government is to apply a new design rule mandate on all new vehicles from November 1 2025.
The new standard, called Australian Design Rule 108/00 – Reversing Technologies, will apply to all types of light, medium and heavy vehicles, from everyday cars through to heavy trucks.
The ruling is not expected to create hardships for industry as a large proportion of vehicles are already being equipped with some form of reversing vision technology.
The mandate comes after years of advocacy from organisations such as KidSafe, and parents who have experienced both fatal and non-fatal driveway incidents.
The aim is to have reversing technologies, which include reversing cameras and motion sensors on vehicles to increase driver awareness of vulnerable road users behind a vehicle.
Federal Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown said the mandate was primarily aimed at saving the lives of children.
‘We know that reversing aids will improve visibility for drivers to minimise black spots while reversing’.
She said the Australian Government predicts that this change will contribute to a reduction in both fatal and non-fatal driveway incidents and supports a commitment to achieving Vision Zero: zero deaths and serious injuries on roads by 2050.

One aspect of transportation that is currently receiving attention is that of rail. A Canadian company, RailVision Analytics has developed artificial intelligence-enabled software to help locomotive engineers make small adjustments in train driving that could lead to big savings in diesel fuel.